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Meet Our Team | Sophie Howard

Meet Healthcode’s Customer Services – 2nd Line Support Agent

When did you join Healthcode and what were you doing before?

Before I started here in 2017, I worked in Customer Services for an insurance broker. I’m quite a people person: every job I’ve had since leaving school has always revolved around talking with customers and helping them.

Tell us about your current role and responsibilities at Healthcode?

After working in Customer Services for about five years, I moved to 2nd line support in November 2022 where I’m one of a team of three. We’re still part of the Customer Services team but our role is more supervisory and problem-solving.

We’re here to help the Customer Service Agents with more complex queries. Perhaps they’re unsure of something or it’s an issue that can’t be sorted out right away, so it’s forwarded to us to investigate. Once we’ve found a solution, we’ll go back to the agent to update the customer with hopefully a first contact resolution, so we do not need to escalate further. In addition, my team is also responsible for training new starters and keeping everyone in the team up to date with changes to our products and services.

This role suits me perfectly: I’m one of the longest-serving people in the team so I’ve built up a good bank of knowledge and I really enjoy helping my colleagues and our customers.

How has the Transformation Programme affected your work in Customer Service?

There have been a lot of positive changes, especially since Daniel Byrne joined as Head of Customer Operations in 2021. 

For example, we’ve brought in a webchat feature so customers have another way to get in touch and we’ve introduced Salesforce a customer relationship management system so every contact is logged. All these improvements have massively contributed to improving the service we provide and it’s been a pleasure to read some of the lovely reviews that we’ve been getting from customers.

What difference has this made for customers?

Before we had Salesforce, we had to ask customers to tell us what had been going on if they called us about an ongoing issue. Now, it’s all there on the system so customers don’t have to repeat themselves and we can explain what’s been done to resolve the matter. 

Customers have also benefitted from the establishment of our 2nd Line Support Team. Previously, our most experienced people were dealing with all types of queries but now we can deploy their expertise where it’s needed most which means complex queries are resolved more efficiently. 

At the same time, we’re now providing more self-serve opportunities, as well as free Healthcode Academy tutorials to help customers make the most of the system and save time. While Customer Services will always be there to help, we’ll also try to point people in the right direction and show them how to do things for themselves that they might not have realised they could do.  

What’s the most common query you have to deal with?

My team have more access to the system than 1st line agents so we’re asked to fix more complex problems. For example, we deal with subscriptions so we can add services to a customer’s account if they need a more advanced feature.

More generally, calls to the team tend to be requests for help with invoicing or using a feature on the system. As you’d expect, we’ll also get more queries after we’ve introduced a new service or functionality and this is when my team has an important role in preparing everyone to support customers.

What do you find most rewarding about your current role?

My role includes supporting larger hospitals and insurers and I take a lot of pride in resolving any issues they have as soon as possible. It makes me happy to receive their thanks after I’ve gone back to them with a solution.

It also means I get to work closely with the account managers in Business Development Managers because they’re the customer’s first point of contact and come to us to see if we can help with a problem. While I’ve found my niche in Customer Services, I like having the chance to work with different people across the company too.

And finally, how do you switch off outside work?

I’m quite a home body so I enjoy the comforts of home and the simple things in life. I’ve got a big family and I like spending as much time with them as possible, especially my grandparents who live quite close by.

I also love going on walks – I can’t say I’ve ever hiked up a mountain but I enjoy exploring new places, especially if there’s a pub lunch at the end!

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