Using the online registration form
The PPR (Private Practice Register) gives an efficient and secure way to store, manage and share practising information and documents.
The registration form is the starting point for your PPR journey – you should add more data once the profile has been set up and remember to regularly check and update it. You’ll need to upload various documents so make sure you have them available on your computer before you begin.
Before you start
Here’s a list of what you’ll need – anything mandatory is marked with an asterisk *. Uploaded files mustn’t be bigger than 5MB and must be in one of these formats: PDF, PNG, JPG or GIF.
- A photograph of you – a formal head shot is suggested
- An NHS written reference* confirming details of your employment for the following professions:
• Anaesthetist
• Audiologist
• Healthcare Science Practitioner
• Neuropsychologist
• Ophthalmic Science Practitioner
• Orthotist
• Pathologist
• Physician
• Practitioner Podiatric Surgeon
• Psychiatrist
• Radiologist
• Surgeon
Don’t worry If you don’t have a suitable reference you can download our digital template – just complete and save it on your computer before you begin; if you’ve gained your experience with the military, you can submit your Armed Service Vocational/Aptitude Battery certification* - Details are required if you’ve ever had practising privileges withdrawn*
- Details are required If you’ve ever been subject to investigations or proceedings by the police or a professional body*
- The certificates of any medical/clinical training you have undertaken*
- Your current Disclosure and Barring Service certificate.
- Your current Medical Indemnity Insurance certificate*.
Accessing the registration form
- Click the Register button at the top right of this page or you can click here.
- Click Start Registration to open the screening questions – the answers to these will direct you to the correct products and services to meet your requirements
- Answer Yes to the first question
- If you want a profile but don’t need to apply for recognition to any of the insurers answer No to the second question
- If you answer Yes to the third question (you already have ePractice) you won’t need to apply for a PPR profile using the form – you just need to log in to ePractice and set up your profile from there (see our guidance on The PPR | Registering using ePractice)
- Complete the rest of the questions – if you want to go back to previous questions just click Back
- If you need a subscription to the Clearing Service to invoice the insurers electronically you need to choose whether you want to use ePractice or a compatible third-party software (more on this can be found here) – you’ll have to complete the PPR registration form first and then go on to register for the other products and services
- Click Register
- A new page Before You Complete the Form will open – if you have all the information required click Proceed
You’ll now be presented with the first page of the form. You must complete each page before moving on – the whole thing will take around 20-30 minutes. If you’re short on time all non-mandatory information can be added after your profile is set up.
Select Insurers
This section is all about your recognition with Aviva, AXA Health and Vitality. If you’re already recognised, simply tick the box Already Recognised next to the name(s) – ticking the box in the top line will automatically put a tick against all four. Click Yes or No to show whether you stick to their fee schedule. Hyperlinks are available to the insurers’ T&Cs and Fee Schedules for quick reference.
If you’re not recognised with some or all of these insurers you can easily apply through the registration process. Tick the box Apply for Recognition next to the name – ticking the box in the top line will automatically put a tick against all four. Click Yes or No to show whether you intend to stick to their fee schedule – please note that AXA Health and Vitality will only recognise practitioners who will.
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
About You
This section’s all about you – your professional and personal details. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
Professional Details
This is where you add details about your profession e.g. surgeon, physician, therapist, chiropractor etc. If you have more than one profession you must add your main one first – this will be shown as your primary profession. There are four fields to complete.
- Select Profession*: Your overarching medical occupation – remember, you can have more than one.
- Select regulatory body*: If you practise one of the UK’s 32 regulated healthcare professions you’ll need to be registered with the correct regulatory body. If your profession isn’t regulated a current membership of a relevant professional body is required. You can list membership of as many professional bodies as you like, just add these once your profile is set up.
- Reference*: This is your registration/reference/membership number with the listed regulatory/professional body. If you’re registered with the GMC the registration date and the mandatory fields of the next section will automatically populate from the GMC database when you type in your reference number.
- Registration date*: The date you first registered with the regulatory/professional body.
Click Add Profession to save – you can add another one now if you need to.
Personal Details
You add your personal details here. All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*. If you’re GMC-registered your first, middle and last names will already be completed (from the GMC database). Please note that your listed names should be your legal names – those recognised by a government or other legal entity.
- Select title*
- First Name*
- Middle name
- Last Name*
- Preferred Name: Your preferred name e.g. an anglicised name, nickname or a shorter version of your first name
- Select Gender*
- Date of birth*
- Upload Profile Photo: Upload your photo, which will be shown in your profile
- Practice Name: This could be your personal name, your company name or your clinic name
- Practice Website: Your professional personal website or the website of the place where you practise – if you practise from more than one site use the one most relevant to you
This is an optional space to give a bit more information about you, including your medical experience and expertise in your chosen field. This may be used in public-facing website and could help drive referrals your way.
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
NHS Practice
You’ll need to complete this section if you’re one of the following:
• Anaesthetist
• Audiologist
• Healthcare Science Practitioner
• Neuropsychologist
• Ophthalmic Science Practitioner
• Orthotist
• Pathologist
• Physician
• Practitioner Podiatric Surgeon
• Psychiatrist
• Radiologist
• Surgeon
A written reference is required confirming details of your NHS employment. If you don’t have anything suitable you can download our digital template to be completed by you and a member of the HR Department at your NHS facility.
The contact details requested are for the person who has provided the reference confirming your NHS employment, whether you used our template or not. Please note that the insurers may contact them if they need more information to complete their recognition process.
All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- NHS post declaration*: You need to confirm whether or not you currently hold or have ever held an NHS post
- Consultant Post*: The job title of the post you hold/held there
- Start Date*: The date you started practising at the NHS facility
- End Date: The date you stopped practising there (if applicable)
- Select Hospital/ Practice Name*: The NHS facility where you are or were employed – if this isn’t shown on the drop-down list click “Other” and manually add the details
- Select Contact Title*: The title of the person who has provided the reference
- Contact First Name*: The first name of the person who has provided the reference
- Contact Last Name*: The surname/family name of the person who has provided the reference
- Contact Other Names: Any other name(s) used by the person who has provided the reference
- Contact Job Title*: The official job title of the person who has provided the reference
- Contact Email Address*: The email address of the person who has provided the reference
- Upload Reference*: You upload your reference here – it must be signed by the same person you have listed as the reference contact
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
Private Practice
This is all about what you do and where. Although you can add multiple sites where you practise privately at least one treatment site is required. If you don’t have time just list the location where you do most of your private work – you can easily add the rest once your profile has been set up. If the location doesn’t appear in the drop-down list, click on Other at the bottom of the list and complete the details. As a minimum, you’ll need to give us the name and the town/city where it’s located and an indication of whether this is a private consulting room, rather than being in a hospital or clinic.
The following information is required for each site and mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Select Hospital/ Practice Name*: This is the recognised private facility where patients are seen and/or treated – if it isn’t listed in the drop-down, click on Other at the bottom of the list to add the details, but check the list carefully as it may be shown in a different format than you’re looking for
- Address Prefix: Any additional correspondence or billing address information that’s specific to the location of your private practice e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
- Phone*: The contact number associated with your private practice at this site – landline or mobile
- Email*: The contact email address associated with your private practice at this site
- Fax: The fax number associated with your private practice at this site
- PP Start Date*: The date you started seeing patients at this site
- Patients Treated*: The age group breakdown for the patients you treat at this site based on the CQC’s service users’ bands – from the drop-down menu tick all that apply at this site:
- 0-3 Years
- 4-12 Years
- 13-18 Years
- 19-64
- 65 Years and over
- Type of Care provided*: Tick all that apply at this site
- Daypatient – patients who are admitted to a hospital or day case unit because they need a period of medically supervised recovery in a bed but don’t stay overnight
- Inpatient – patients who are admitted to a hospital because they need a period of medically supervised recovery in a bed and need to stay overnight or longer
- Outpatient (Consulting only) – patients who attend a facility to see you for medical advice
- Outpatient Treatment (Ambulatory) – patients who attend a facility for medical diagnostics, observations and treatments but don’t require medically supervised recovery in a bed
- PP Practice Hours*: The sessions (morning, afternoon or evening – use the tick boxes) and frequencies (weekly, fortnightly or monthly – use the drop-down options) that you’re available per day (Sunday to Saturday) to see and/or treat patients at this site
Click Add to save the details and repeat now for any other sites where you practise or add these after your profile has been set up.
Specialties and Treatments
Your profession will already be listed. Click Add Specialties – it’s mandatory to add at least one specialty and sub-specialty (if applicable) from the available lists.
You can add multiple specialties and sub-specialties now or leave this until your profile is set up. You can add as large a list as you like of each of the procedures and treatments you undertake for each specialty or sub-specialty – this highlights your areas of expertise.
- Specialty*: The branch of medical practice that is broadly focused on a defined group of patients, diseases or skills
- Sub-Speciality* (if applicable): A narrower field within the specialty – this gives greater detail of what work you undertake
- Procedures/ Treatments: A list of procedures and treatments you undertake for that specialty or sub-specialty – these use CCSD codes and descriptions
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
Fitness to Practise
The top section is mandatory for anyone registered with the GMC.
- Practising privileges withdrawn (Historic): Click Yes or No to indicate whether or not you’ve ever had practising privileges withdrawn
- Upload details: If you’ve had practising privileges withdrawn, you’ll need to upload full details
- Prior or current investigations and proceedings by the police and any professional body, both UK and non-UK: Click Yes or No to indicate whether or not you’ve ever been subject to investigations or proceedings by the police or a professional body anywhere in the world
- Upload details : If you’ve been subject to any investigations or proceedings, you’ll need to upload full details
- Confirm license to practise: Click Yes or No to indicate whether or not you currently hold a licence to practise your profession in the UK – please note that membership of a regulatory/professional body doesn’t automatically mean you hold one
This section is to list your medical degree and any other primary qualification(s) you’ve achieved. Additional medical or clinical training should be listed in the Certifications section on this page.
- Select Qualification: Your medical degree or other primary medical qualification – if it isn’t listed in the drop-down, click on Other at the bottom of the list to add the details, but check the list carefully as it may be shown in a longer or shorter format than you’re looking for
- Select Year of Qualification: The year you achieved this
- Place of Qualification: The university or training facility where you gained this
- Select Country of Qualification: The country where the university or training facility is located
Click Add to save the details – if you’ve got more you can add them now or wait until your profile has been set up.
The form only askes for the dates of your last and next appraisal – there are further options available to you once your profile has been set up, so we suggest you update things then.
- Date of Last Appraisal: The date your appraisal was signed off by your Responsible Officer
- Date of Next Appraisal: The date given by your Responsible Officer for your next appraisal – this mustn’t be in the past
This is where you upload any additional medical/clinical training certificates. You should also upload your Qualification certificates here. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Certification Title*: The name of the medical/clinical training undertaken, including your primary degree
- Certification Body*: The professional body that issued the certificate – this could be the university/training facility name or the name of the organisation that oversees the training
- Upload certificate*: You upload the certificate here
Disclosure and Barring Service
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) was previously known as the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). It’s likely that hospitals will need you to have an advanced DBS check to grant and maintain your practising privileges.
- Upload Disclosure Barring Service: You upload your DBS certificate here
- DBS Date of Issue: The date your enhanced DBS certificate was issued
- DBS Number: The 12-digit enhanced DBS certificate number
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
Medical Secretary Details
This section is used to list the details of your medical secretaries. You may have more than one, each dealing with a different part of your private practice. Although this whole section is optional – so you can complete it once your profile is set up – if you do want to add some details at this stage the first and last names are required as a minimum.
Please note that any listed names should be your secretary’s legal names – those recognised by a government or other legal entity.
- Med Sec Title
- Med Sec First Name
- Med Sec Last Name
- Med Sec Preferred Name: Your secretary’s preferred name e.g. an anglicised name, nickname or a shorter version of their first name
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location of your secretary e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
- Address (Lines 1-4): Lines 1-4 of the correspondence address associated with your secretary e.g. building name, street number and/or name, city and county as required
- Postcode: The postcode of your secretary’s correspondence address
- Select Primary Telecom: The preferred method of contacting your secretary from a choice of email, phone, mobile or fax
- Email: Your secretary’s email address
- Phone: Your secretary’s phone number (landline or mobile)
- Mobile: Your secretary’s mobile number
- Fax: Your secretary’s fax number
- Working hours: Your secretary’s start and finish times either at that address and/or any associated sites, allocated by days of the week (Sunday to Saturday)
- Hospitals/Practices Managed: The site(s)managed by your secretary where you see patients
Click Add to save the details and repeat for any other secretaries you have or complete all details when your profile has been set up.
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next.
This is where you list your bank details so insurers can pay fees directly into your account. You can also give permission for them to give these details to patients who have shortfalls to pay. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Bank Name*: The name of the UK bank where you have a bank account linked to your private practice
- Account Name*: The name that appears on your account
- Sort Code*: The 6-digit bank code that identifies the band and branch
- Account Number*: The 8-digit number that identifies you bank account
- Permission to insurers: Click Yes or No to indicate if you’re happy or not for the insurers to give patients your bank account details to pay any shortfalls
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
Medical Indemnity Insurance Details
It’s really important for insurers and hospitals to know that you have up to date and adequate indemnity cover. Each year as soon as you get your new insurance certificate, you must remember to add the details to show continuity of cover – you shouldn’t delete the old details. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
- Select Medical Indemnity Insurance (MII) Name*: From the drop-down list select the name of the medical defence or insurance organisation that’s covering you for medical indemnity – please make sure you enter the actual indemnifier or insurance provider and NOT the broker (ask your provider if you’re not sure); if it isn’t listed in the drop-down, click on Other at the bottom of the list to add the details, but check the list carefully as it may be shown in a longer or shorter format than you’re looking for
- MII Renewal Date*: The policy end date (must be in the future) for your medical indemnity cover – you’ll need to add the start date once your profile has been set up
- MII Certificate Number*: The policy number
- Upload MII Certificate*: Here’s where you upload the policy certificate
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
Contact Details
This is where you enter your correspondence and billing address details.
Correspondence Details
These details can be used by us, the insurers who recognise you and the hospitals where you hold practising privileges to send you general correspondence, including emails about the products and services you use. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
You have two choices for the address – click the radio button to either use a hospital/practice (where you undertake some, or all, of your private practice) or another address.
Use Hospital/Practice address
- Select Hospital/Practice Name*: Use the drop-down list to select this – the site(s)you have listed before as where you see patients privately will be shown at the top, but you can choose another site as required
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location within the hospital/practice e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
Enter a new Correspondence address
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
- Address (Lines 1-4)*: Lines 1-4 of the correspondence address you want to use e.g. building name, street number and/or name, city and county as required
- Postcode*: The postcode of your correspondence address
Additional contact details
These must also be completed. It would be better that you list your personal details in this section, rather than another person’s.
- Select Primary Telecom: The preferred method of contacting you from a choice of email, phone, mobile or fax
- Email*: Your personal email address
- Email*: Enter your email address again
- Phone*: Your direct phone number (landline or mobile) at your correspondence address
- Mobile: Your mobile number
- Fax: Your fax number at your correspondence address
Tick boxes are available to indicate your preferences for marketing and promotional information. Please note that we will always let you know about anything involving changes or updates to the products and services you use.
Billing Details
This is to let us know what address you want to use for invoicing purposes. This should be where you send the majority of your invoices from and where you’d like to receive your remittance advices (if this isn’t done electronically). Please note that the insurers may give this address to patients with shortfalls to pay. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk*.
You have three choices for the address – click the radio button to use your correspondence address, a hospital/practice (where you undertake some, or all, of your private practice) or another address.
Use Correspondence address
- Billing Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location (and different from the correspondence address) e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
Use Hospital/Practice address
- Select Hospital/Practice Name*: Use the drop-down list to select this – the site(s)you have listed before as where you see patients privately will be shown at the top, but you can choose another site as required
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location within the hospital/practice e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
Enter a new Billing address
- Address Prefix: Any additional address information that’s specific to the location e.g. the business name, location within a building (floor and/or room number) etc.
- Address (Lines 1-4)*: Lines 1-4 of the billing address you want to use e.g. building name, street number and/or name, city and county as required
- Postcode*: The postcode of your billing address
Additional contact details
You could use another person’s details here e.g. your secretary or the person who does your invoicing. Just remember to update these if that person leaves your employment. If you are using your correspondence address the details for these fields will be pre-populated, but you can change them if you want.
- Billing Email*: The email address you want to associate with this address
- Billing Phone*: A direct phone number (landline or mobile) you want to associate with this address
- Billing Mobile: The mobile number you want to associate with this address
- Billing Fax: The fax number you want to associate with this address
You’ve now completed this section – when ready click Next. You’ll be prompted if you haven’t completed a mandatory field.
Review and Submit
This is a recap of everything you’ve added to the registration form, starting with the information about your recognition status with the insurance companies. You have access to hyperlinks to view the Terms & Conditions and Fee Schedules.
For GMC-registered practitioners you can also view information about the republication license we hold for the GMC’s List of Registered Medical Practitioners.
Click Review and print your application to look at the information you’ve added to the form. You can download or print this out. Amendments can be made by closing the preview and clicking Previous on every page to get back to the area you want to change.
Once you’re happy you’ll need to read the declaration and tick the box to confirm that you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Finally, you’ll need to add a memorable phrase between 8 and 50 characters in length – make sure you make a note of this as you’ll need it shortly. Click Submit.
What happens next?
You’ll be sent an email shortly after you submit the application to verify your request – you’ll need to use the memorable phrase you created. The verification link will expire after 24 hours, so make sure you action this as soon as you can. If you’ve completed everything correctly your profile will be set up shortly and you’ll receive a welcome message.
If there’re any errors or omissions, you’ll be sent an email telling you the issues and asking you to send through the correct information. You’ll receive the welcome message once the issues have been updated and the profile completed.
Want more support?
Why not sign up to our Healthcode Academy module. Our Service Delivery Associates will take you through the process step by step and you’ll complete the registration by the end of the session. More information can be found here.